Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sushi King BONANZA RM2 Promotion (October)

是的,今天这个帖子就是关于Sushi KingBONANZA RM2 Promotion有关的。

也许对有些人来说Sushi King只是在日本餐里最普通的,不过对我这些夹在有钱与没有钱的人来说,Sushi King的食物我也瞒满意了,因为我可没有那么多钱到那些日本餐厅去吃啊!

所以我在这里特地通知大家西马这里的Sushi KingBONANZA RM2 Promotion已经开始咯!12号至15号(星期一到星期四)一共4天。想要吃便宜Sushi的你们就别走宝了,不过要记得你是需要Member Card的哦,一张Member Card可以带5个人去吃。

还等什么?赶快去Sushi King吃到饱饱吧!


6 comments: said...

当场申请当member ok? Nanged you for good post! Nang this to see the RM15,000++ web address! Tq!

Zheng Yang 琤洋 said...

erm, if you dare, i think you can borrow it from any ppl at there. Normally, the worker will ask do you have member card, just say yes, they wont check it.haha...if the counter got the card for next year..before you pay the bill, you go to buy it, i think no problem.

Catherine Tan said...

i want go la..

Zheng Yang 琤洋 said...

kampar don have meh ?

Catherine Tan said...

me at sitiawan now di..

Zheng Yang 琤洋 said...

o yaho, sitiawan don hv sushi king...kesian..hehe, 2morrow i go eat again..wahaha