Wednesday, January 13, 2010



第1个愿望竟然是希望考试能考得比较好得成绩。哇?我竟然那么注重我的课业?还好我最后一次得到的成绩有2.69,最终的成绩就要看我最后一科Managing Finance咯。希望可以拿到比较不错的成绩咯,不然我真的要去撞墙了!今年的我要往Degree前进了,加油!

第2个愿望就是要把人生的第一架DSLR买到手,结果我真的买到了,而且是型号比预期的450D比较好的500D。今年的我当然要再下一城,把Canon Speedlite Flashgun 430EX II弄到手!



2.Just dropped by ur blog..
I found it kinda interesting..
Thanks for all the sharing like 梁静茹2009今天情人节大马演唱...

3.hi zhengyang, you'd discussed your personal experience or opinion about a variety of topics and I really like your blog quite much. Your Chinese is fairly excellent and your choices of words are simple and effective. Well done!





Ken Wooi said...

i cant read, i think it's about your resolutions right? based on innit..

anyway, happy new year and all the best in achieving your resolutions =)

Zheng Yang 琤洋 said...

Kenwooi thanks for support la, always so fast giving me a comment ^^ Don want try the google translate ?hahaha. Eh your blog seems quite famous now. Lots of response.

Racheel Yap said...

i hope to get a DSLR by this year too..hope i will get it as well..and gambateh for your blog!

Zheng Yang 琤洋 said...

sure you can, the dslr price now is not as expensive as last time. Basically you got 2k already can buy 1 DSLR. Also good luck to you. Don forgot to read my blog ^^

Unknown said...

Looking forward to viewing the photos taken on your new DSLR camera. Cheers!

Zheng Yang 琤洋 said...

actually my dslr not new already, my flash only the new one..hehe